Jack Vettriano The Twilight ZoneJack Vettriano The TrapJack Vettriano The Tourist Trap
Well, if we have to fight them, I want a drink first," said Will, and he took the rucksack down to the stream, where he drank deep and washed off most of the dirt. His wound had bled a lot. He was a mess; he longed for a hot shower with plenty of soap, and for some clean clothes.
Lyra was watching thesmall elephants.
And they were making for Will and Lyra, with an air of intention. Will took out the knife, but Lyra, sitting on the grass beside him, was already turning the hands of the alethiometer.
It responded quickly, while the creatures were still a few hundred yards away. The needle darted swiftly left and right, and left and left, and Lyra felt her mind dart to the meanings and land on them as lightly as a bird.... whatever they were; they were very strange."Will," she called, "they're riding on wheels..."But she said it uncertainly. He climbed back a little way up the slope and shaded his eyes to look. It was possible to see individuals now. The group, or herd, or gang, was about a dozen strong, and they were moving, as Lyra said, on wheels. They looked like a cross between antelopes and motorcycles, but they were stranger than that, even: they had trunks like
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Jack Vettriano The Twilight Zone
Posted by
Art Express
11:59 PM
Pierre Auguste Renoir A Girl with a Watering Can
Pierre Auguste Renoir A Girl with a Watering CanPierre Auguste Renoir La LogeMary Cassatt Young Mother Sewing
She leaned toward the shadow, as if she couldn't control the impulses of her own body, and the shadow hungrily sniffed and seemed to gulp at the scent of her flesh.
They were moving laboriously "Any moment now he'll lose patience," she whispered. "I told him to make himself small. But he's only an angel, after all, evenseized hold of him, too. Stelmaria had her teeth firmly in his leg, and the golden monkey was tearing at one of the edges of the nearest wing, snapping feathers, ripping at the vanes, and this only roused Asriel was weakening. He was holding fast to his blood-soaked consciousness, but with every movement a little more was lost. He could feel the edges of the bones grinding together in wide, a great white canopy that beat down and down and down, again and again and again, and then Mrs. Coulter had fallen away, and Metatron was upright, and the wings beat harder and harder, and he was aloft, he was leaving the ground, with Lord Asriel still clinging tight, but weakening fast. The golden monkey's fingers were entwined in the angel's hair, and he would never let go…
Posted by
Art Express
12:11 AM
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring
Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl EarringGustav Klimt The Kiss (Le Baiser _ Il Baccio)Vincent van Gogh Self Portrait
her mouth. Lord Asriel took the controls and the craft sprang at once into the air. Through pain-dazed eyes Mrs. Coulter looked down at the mountain slope. Men were running here and there like ants; some lay dead, while others crawled brokenly over the rocks; the great cable from the generating station snaked down through the of white fire, engulfing the intention craft, which hung motionless and unharmed in the middle of it. Lord Asriel moved the craft unhurriedly away, and they watched as the blazing zeppelin fell slowly, slowly down on top of the whole scene, bomb, cable, soldiers, and all, and everything began to tumble in a welter of smoke and flames down the mountainside, gathering speed and incinerating the resinous trees as it went, until it plunged into the white waters of the cataract, which whirled it all away into the chaos, the only purposeful thing in sight, making its way to the glittering bomb, where the President's body lay crumpled inside the cage."Lord Roke?" said Lord Asriel."Dead," she whispered.He pressed a button, and a lance of flame jetted toward the tossing, swaying zeppelin. An instant later the whole airship bloomed into a rose
Posted by
Art Express
1:34 AM
Sandro Botticelli The Birth of Venus
Sandro Botticelli The Birth of VenusEdward Hopper Nighthawks
Andy Warhol Shoes 1980
crate on the ground over there. I can't do anything till they take it out, and even then...”
"All right," he said, "run. Hide yourself. I'll stay here and watch. Run!"
He leapt down to her sleeve and sprang away. Without a sound she moved away from the light, slowly at first so as not to catch the eye of the guard, and then she crouched and ran into the rain-lashed darkness farther up the slope, the golden monkey darting ahead to see the way.
Behind her she roar, straining vainly against the wind and the thunder of the cataract below.
The engineers from the hydro-anbaric station were struggling over the edge of the gorge to bring a power cable to the bomb.
The problem for Mrs. Coulter was not how to get out of this situation alive: that heard the continuing roar of the engines, the confused shouts, the powerful voice of the President trying to impose some order on the scene. She remembered the long, horrible pain and hallucination that she'd suffered at the spur of the Chevalier Tialys, and didn't envy the two men their waking up.But soon she was higher up, clambering over the wet rocks, and all she could see behind her was the wavering glow of the floodlight reflected back from the great curved belly of the zeppelin; and presently that went out again, and all she could hear was the engine
Posted by
Art Express
1:29 AM
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Thomas Kinkade Mountain Paradise
Thomas Kinkade Mountain ParadiseThomas Kinkade Christmas CottageThomas Kinkade A Peaceful Retreat
So if you want to save the trees, and mulefa life, we must find out why the sraf is doing that. I can't think of away yet, but I will try.
She saw many of them during the day and the night. So I need to spend more time in the treetops, and sleep up there and observe at night. I will need your help to build a platform of some kind so I can sleep safely. But we do need more observations.
The mulefa, practical and anxious to find out, offered at once to build her whatever she needed. They knew the techniques of using pulleys and tackle, and presently one suggested a way craning to look upward at this drift of Dust. But from the ground you couldn't see it: she looked through the spyglass herself, but the dense blue of the sky was all she could see.They spoke for a long time, trying to recall any mention of the srafwind among their legends and histories, but there was none. All they had ever known was that sraf came from the stars, as it had always done.Finally they asked if she had any more ideas, and she said:I need to make more observations. I need to find out whether the wind goes always in that direction or whether it alters like the air currents
Posted by
Art Express
9:30 PM
Friday, January 16, 2009
Jack Vettriano 301.129
Jack Vettriano 301.129
Jack Vettriano Zara Philips by RankinJack Vettriano You Can't Come To This Party!
masted clipper just setting off for Hang Chow in Cathay to trade for tea.
And on the clipper to turn the ship around and look for him, but he was a hard, fierce man only interested in the profit he'd make by getting to Cathay quickly, and he clapped them in irons. But the Gallivespians brought them a file, and...
And so on. From time to time she'd turn to Will or the spies for confirmation, and Salmakia would add a detail or two, or Will would nod, and the story wound itself up to the point where the children and their friends from the moon had to find their way to the land they'd met the Gallivespians, who were strangers from the moon, blown down to the earth by a fierce gale out of the Milky Way. They'd taken refuge in the crow's nest, and she and Will and Roger used to take turns going up there to see them, only one day Roger lost his footing and plunged down into Davy Jones's locker.They tried to persuade the captain
Posted by
Art Express
12:43 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Jack Vettriano Models in the Studio II
Jack Vettriano Models in the Studio IIJack Vettriano Model in WhiteJack Vettriano Model in White 1993
He fled," said the bear.
"He wasn't a warrior. He did as much as he could, and then he couldn't do any more. He wasn't the only one to be afraid; I'm afraid, too. So I have to think it through. Maybe sometimes we don't do the right thing because the wrong thing looks more dangerous, and we don't want to look scared, so we go and do the wrong thing just because it's dangerous. , and Will was still weak and dizzy from the blow, and didn't quite trust his feet, so they stayed where they were.
"Well, I have compromised myself in many ways," said the bear-king. "It may be that in helping you I have brought final destruction on my kingdom. And it may be that I have not, and We're more concerned with not looking scared than with judging right. It's very hard. That's why I didn't answer you.""I see," said the bear.They stood in silence for what felt like a long time, especially to Will, who had little protection from the bitter cold. But Iorek hadn't finished yet
Posted by
Art Express
10:59 PM
Edward Hopper Soir Bleu
Edward Hopper Soir BleuEdward Hopper Cape Cod MorningAmedeo Modigliani the Reclining Nude
terrible things, but I really felt she was loving me and looking after me... She must have thought I was going to die, being asleep all that time, I suppose I must've caught some disease, but she never stopped looking after me. And I remember to show every leaf. Will snapped off a twig, and the piney resinous smell stayed strongly on his fingers.
"And we en't going to say anything to those little spies," she added.
They gathered armfuls of the bush and carried them back up toward the cavewaking up once or twice and she was holding me in her arms... I do remember that, I'm sure... That's what I'd do in her place, if I had a child."So she didn't know why she'd been asleep all that time. Should he tell her, and betray that memory, even if it was false? No, of course he shouldn't."Is that the bush?" Lyra said.The moonlight was brilliant enough
Posted by
Art Express
12:47 AM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Arthur Hughes The King's Orchard
Arthur Hughes The King's OrchardArthur Hughes PhyllisFranz Marc Zwei Katzen
Impossible," roared the bear. "It would be shameful to fight you. You are as weak as an oyster out of its shell. I cannot fight you."
"I agree," said Will, and every waterfront. No one spoke, no one moved. They could tell that something was happening such as they'd never seen before, and they couldn't tell what it was. The only sound now was the splashing of the river against the wooden pilings, the beat of the ship's engine, and the restless crying of seagulls overhead; and then the great clang as the hear hurled his helmet down at Will's feet.
Will put his rucksack down and hoisted the helmet up on its end. He could barely lift it. It consisted of a single sheet of iron, dark and dented, with eyeholes on top and a massive chain underneath. It was as long as Will's forearm, and as thick scrap of his attention was now focused on this great ferocious being in front of him. "It's not a fair contest at all. You have all that armor, and I have none. You could take off my head with one sweep of your paw. Make it fairer, then. Give me one piece of your armor, any one you like. Your helmet, for example. Then we'll be better matched, and it'll be no shame to fight me."With a snarl that expressed hatred, rage, and scorn, the bear reached up with a great claw and unhooked the chain that held his helmet in place.And now there was a deep hush over the whole
Posted by
Art Express
1:08 AM
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Leonardo da Vinci St John the Baptist
Leonardo da Vinci St John the BaptistLeonardo da Vinci Madonna with YarnwinderLeonardo da Vinci Madonna Litta
And yes! The world he saw through that window was not his own: the ground was closer here, and the landscape was not green fields and hedges but a desert of rolling dunes.
He closed it and opened another: the smoke-laden air over an industrial city, with a line of chained and sullen workers trudging into a factory.
He closed that one, too, and came back to himself. He felt a little dizzy. For the first time he understood some of the true power of the as to the angel. "So it's not as easy as I thought. We were just lucky in Oxford and Cittagazze, maybe. But I'll just..."
He picked up the knife again. As well as the clear and obvious feeling he got when he touched a point that would open to his own world, there had been another kind of sensation he'd touched knife, and laid it very carefully on the rock in front of him."Are you going to stay here all day?" said Balthamos."I'm thinking. You can only move easily from one world to another if the ground's in the same place. And maybe there are places where it is, and maybe that's where a lot of cutting-through happens... And you'd have to know what your own world felt like with the point or you might never get back. You'd be lost forever.""Indeed. But may we...”"And you'd have to know which world had the ground in the same place, or there wouldn't be any point in opening it," said Will, as much to himself
Posted by
Art Express
10:46 PM
Monday, January 12, 2009
Edward Hopper Second Story Sunlight
Edward Hopper Second Story SunlightEdward Hopper Route 6 EasthamEdward Hopper Queensborough Bridge
watching the path. Mrs. Coulter dipped a flannel in a basin of cold water and mopped Lyra's face, and then unfastened the sleeping bag and washed Lyra's arms and neck and shoulders, for Lyra was hot. Then her mother took a comb and gently teased out the tangles in Lyra's hair, smoothing it back from her forehead, parting it neatly.
She left the sleeping hag open so the girl could cool down, and unfolded the bundle that Ama had brought: some flat loaves of turned his back, contempt in every line of his body as he flicked the scales from his pine cone out into the dark. She took no notice, but worked steadily and skillfully to build up the fire and set the pan to heat some water for tea.
Nevertheless, his skepticism affected her, and as she crumbled the dark gray tea brick into the water, she wondered what in the world she thought she was doing, and whether she had gone mad, and, over and over again, what would happen when the Church found out. The golden bread, a cake of compressed tea, some sticky rice wrapped in a large leaf. It was time to build the fire. The chill of the mountains was fierce at night. Working methodically, she shaved some dry tinder, set the fire, and struck a match. That was something else to think of: the matches were running out, and so was the naphtha for the stove; she must keep the fire alight day and night from now on.Her daemon was discontented. He didn't like what she was doing here in the cave, and when he tried to express his concern, she brushed him away. He
Posted by
Art Express
10:10 PM
Jack Vettriano Winter Light and Lavender
Jack Vettriano Winter Light and LavenderJack Vettriano Welcome To My WorldJack Vettriano We Can't Tell Right from Wrong
We think a person who finds novelty and excitement more rewarding does so because he gets more dopamine release, or more of a boost," says Zald. "But it's one of the big controversies in the field of addiction research now." And it's yet another area for researchers to explore in trying to come up with a better treatment for substance abuse.Your husband is on his third and it's not yet 8 a.m. Your teen is so bleary-eyed and grumpy that you want to run in the other direction. And you're so tired you can barely remember your middle name.
If your family is like most, everyone is seriously sleep deprived. A study from the CDC found that only 1 out of 3 Americans gets enough sleep all month long. And 16 percent of adults get less than six hours per night, says the National Sleep Foundation. That's well short of the seven to eight hours needed to ward off obesity, high blood pressure, and other ills.
To complicate matters, each family member deals with unique sleep sappers, says Susan Zafarlotfi, PhD, director of the Institute for Sleep-Wake Disorders
Posted by
Art Express
12:41 AM
Sunday, January 11, 2009
John William Waterhouse Circe offering the Cup to Ulysses
John William Waterhouse Circe offering the Cup to UlyssesJohn William Waterhouse BoreasJohn William Waterhouse Ariadne
You know those "magic fingers" beds you find in motels that vibratewhen you insert a quarter? This is even better. The vibration is moreintense, the position makes for maximum clitoral stimulation and youdon't have to spend fifty bucks " mode, lead your womanover to it, put your hands on her hips and lift her up onto the top of thewashing machine.Most washers are at just the right height for you to easily part her thighsand insert yourself without having to make any real adjustments. But ifyou need to stand on something, do so.Make love. Let the thrusts of your body combine with the intensevibration of the washer to take your woman over the top in a way she'snever felt before.She's had a great orgasm and you've got clean underwear for tomorrow.Everybody wins.PAGEon a hotel room.Here's What You Need:One washing machine.One load of wet laundry.Here's How You Do It:After the washer is done agitating and doing official "washing" chores, itgoes into the "rinse and spin" cycle. This is when you make your move.As the rinse water fills, engage in some passionate foreplay. During thistime, undress your woman and yourself. By now, the washer should beready to spin -- and you should be ready to deliver an awesome orgasmyour woman will never forget.As soon as you hear the washer kick into "spin
Posted by
Art Express
11:09 PM
Friday, January 9, 2009
Andy Warhol Shoes 1980
Andy Warhol Shoes 1980Andy Warhol Shadows IIAndy Warhol Shadows I
These techniques are meant to serve as guides. Use yourimagination to come up with your own variations. There is no "right" or"wrong" way to do anything when it comes to matters of personalpreference.3. Always This technique really packs a huge payoff for very little prep work. Somewomen claim that different cough drops provide varying degrees ofstimulation. It seems to be purely a matter of personal preference, sodon't be afraid to experiment with a variety of brands and flavors.Here's What You Need:One mentholated cough drop, any flavor.Here's How You Do It:Get your woman naked.remember to show your partner you love them outside thebedroom. While sex is best with someone you love, it should neverbecome the only time you express it. Showing love for your partner innon-sexual ways takes a great deal of the pressure off your intimateencounters and allows you both to relax, let down your guard and haveFUN.And that's exactly what this book is all about!
Posted by
Art Express
8:52 PM
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Andy Warhol dollar sign beige and red
Andy Warhol dollar sign beige and redAndy Warhol Dollar Sign 1981Andy Warhol Diamond Dust Shoes
The Fed's Beige Book will be studied for clues on whether the Fed will cut interest rates again or hold steady when it meets at the end of October.
Figures on industrial production and capacity utilization are due on Tuesday. The consensus view is for a rise of 0.1 percent in industrial production. Capacity utilization is seen holding steady at 82.2 percent.
Thursday's data includes a report on leading indicators of the U.S. economy. A rise of 0.3 percent is expected in September, the Reuters poll showed.
The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank's index of conditions in the U.S. mid-Atlantic region in October is also due on Thursday. The Philly Fed index is expected to decline to 7.3 from 10.9 in September. Index readings above zero show growth in manufacturing in the region.29 million units, down from 1.33 million in August.
Ed Vallar, director of and research at GM Advisory Group in Port Washington, New York, said the
Posted by
Art Express
10:59 PM
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Jack Vettriano Private Dancer
Jack Vettriano Private DancerJack Vettriano Mad DogsJack Vettriano Dancing Couple
Four blind men were asked to give a description of an elephant. They had not seen one or ever encountered such a beast.
One grabbed hold of its tail. Another put his arms around a leg. The third gripped its trunk and the fourth walked into the side. The description given by each one was correct and accurate except it did not describe the elephant's true form. Each man was right and each man was wrong.given to their old customers and they definitely don't want to make new loans to new and unknown companies. The brokers say you are in for the long haul and don't worry the market always comes back. The financial planners have a new plan to diversify your holdings by shifting your money around to take advantage of this current market.
We now have some equally blind men trying to describe what is happening in our economy and the stock market - economists, brokers, bankers and financial planners.
The economists say that because of the interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve and the huge inflow of cash that the economy will recover in a short time. The bankers opine that all that money that the banks are
Posted by
Art Express
11:22 PM
Monday, January 5, 2009
Jack Vettriano Only the deepest Red I
Jack Vettriano Only the deepest Red IJack Vettriano One Moment in TimeJack Vettriano On the Border
won't live long!"
And the movement went on. Each Child, when denied, returned to his employment with a downcast air. When one of them was accepted, the others looked at him with envy. Now and then, something happened, as when the hero who was to fight against injustice refused to go. He clung to his playfellows, who called out to Time: "He doesn't want toaway sobbing, .
The excitement was now at its height. The Children ran all over the hall: those who were going packed up their inventions; those who were staying behind had a thousand requests to make:
"Will you write to me?"
"They say one can't!" , Sir!" "No, I don't want to go," cried the little fellow, with all his might. "I would rather not be born." "And quite right too!" thought Tyltyl, who was full of common-sense and who knew what things are like on earth. For people always get beatings which they have not deserved; and, when they have done wrong, you may be sure that the punishment will fall on one of their innocent friends. "I wouldn't care to be in his place," said our friend to himself. "I would rather hunt for the Blue Bird, any day!" Meanwhile, the little seeker after justice went
Posted by
Art Express
10:48 PM
Andy Warhol Fiesta Pig painting
Andy Warhol Fiesta Pig paintingAndy Warhol dollar sign black and yellow on red paintingAndy Warhol Diamond Dust Shoes Lilac Blue Green painting
Come, come, a little more quiet," said Grandad.
"You're just as ill-behaved as ever; and you'll break your plate ...."
Tyltyl took no notice of Everybody laughed.
"There's more where that came from, if you like them!" said Grandad, grumpily.
But he was touched, all the same, and turned to wipe a tear from his eyes.
"Goodness!" cried Tyltyl, starting up. "There's half-past eight striking!... Mytyl, we've only just got time! . ."the remark, stood up on his stool, caught hold of the tureen and dragged it towards him and upset it; and the hot soup trickled all over the table and down upon everybody's lap. The children yelled and screamed with pain. Granny was quite scared; and Grandad was furious. He dealt our friend Tyltyl a tremendous box on the ear. Tyltyl was staggered for a moment; and then he put his hand to his cheek with a look of rapture and exclaimed: "Grandad, how good, how jolly! It was just like the slaps you used to give me when you were alive! .. . I must give you a kiss for it!…."
Posted by
Art Express
12:00 AM
Friday, January 2, 2009
Peeters Bretton Woods
Peeters Bretton WoodsPeeters Ashland GrangePeeters Ancher HouseSwatland Wading by the Shore
guys are well aware that you are putting them through tests. They’re also pretty competitive as a sex, so it’s likely that all of those romantic lines and perfect lines are all to make sure he impresses you. While he is probably a good guy, you way to establish trust is to be a friend more than a girlfriend. A girlfriend automatically comes with the demands of dates, gifts, attention, and so much more, but when a guy is satisfying our needs as a sugar daddy, we forget about his emotional needs. (Do not believe him when he tells you that he has no emotional needs.) Be his friend and he will learn to trust you, and then you will get everything you deserve and more because he will know that you are worth it.won’t know what you’re getting until a few dates down the road. Kind of like electronics. You won’t know what you’re getting until you plug it in and try it out.When we develop an exclusive chase of one or several guys, other dudes can sense your disinterest. You’ve closed off your options and could potentially have sent away Mr. Right while in pursuit of Mr. Right Now.Boys are as complex as girls. They just have their own issues that they keep wrapped up tightly and will not reveal to you for a very long time. The most effective
Posted by
Art Express
9:50 PM