Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring painting

Johannes Vermeer Girl with a Pearl Earring painting
Johannes Vermeer girl with the pearl earring painting
Allen became ill last February after a televised talk show appearance and her leg muscles atrophied while she was bedridden. She survives on disability payments and needs physical therapy if she is to walk again, Kleiman said. Allen's extraordinary growth was due to a tumor in her pituitary gland, which was removed when she was 21, according to biographical information on her Web site.
Pizza Hut officials were indignant when Papa John's advertised in 1998 that it used better stuff in its pies.
DALLAS, Dec. 23 — A feud between two big pizza chains over television commercials could be settled by the U.S. Supreme Court. Pizza Hut this week asked the high court to overturn a lower court's ruling and stop competitor Papa John's International Inc. from using the slogan, "Better Ingredients, Better Pizza," which Pizza Hut says isn't true.

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