Friday, October 17, 2008

John Collier Lady Godiva painting

John Collier Lady Godiva paintingCaravaggio Supper at Emmaus paintingCaravaggio Judith Beheading Holofernes painting
before, that there are two different ways of writing history: one is to persuade men to virtue and the other is to compel men to truth. The first is Livy's way and the other is yours: and perhaps they are not irreconcilable."
"Why, boy, you're an orator," said Pollio delightedly. Sulpicius who had been standing on one leg with his foot held in his hand, as his habit was when excited or impatient, and twisting his beard in knots, now summed up:epigram on the noble Pollio)-people who record no more than actually occurred-such men can only hold an audience while they have a good cook and a cellar of Cyprian wine." This made Livy really furious. He said, "Pollio, this talk is idle. Young Claudius here has always been considered dull-witted by his family
"Yes, Livy will never lack readers. People love being 'persuaded to ancient virtue' by a charming writer, particularly when they are told in the same breath that modern civilization has made such virtue impossible of attainment. But mere truthtellers-'undertakers who lay out the corpse of history' (to quote poor Catullus's

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