Monday, October 29, 2007

The Abduction of Psyche

The Abduction of Psyche
The British Are Coming
The Broken Pitcher
The Jewel Casket
Shape it up, you guys," Luke yelled excitedly. Then he noticed the older manin the uniform. The subject of his suddenly startled gaze recognized himsimultaneously. "Biggs!" The man's face twisted in a half grin. "Hello, Luke." Then they wereembracing each other warmly. Luke finally stood away, openly admiring the other's uniform. "I didn't knowyou were back. When did you get in?" The confidence in the other's voice bordered the realm of smugness withoutquite entering it. "Just a little while ago. I wanted to surprise you, hotshot." Heindicated the room. "I thought you'd be here with these other two nightcrawlers."Deak and Windy both smiled. "I certainly didn't expect you to be out working."He laughed easily, a laugh few people found resistible. "The academy didn't change you much," Luke commented. "But you're backso soon." His expression grew concerned. "Hey, what happened—didn't you getyour commission?" There was something evasive about Biggs as he replied, looking slightly away,"Of course I got it. Signed to serve aboard the freighter Rand Ecliptic just last week.First Mate Biggs Darklighter, at your service." He performed a twisting salute, half


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The Abduction of Psyche"

Anonymous said...

The Abduction of Psyche"

Anonymous said...

The Abduction of Psyche"

Anonymous said...

The Abduction of Psyche

Anonymous said...

The Abduction of Psyche