Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Broken Pitcher

The Broken Pitcher
The Jewel Casket
The Kitchen Maid
The Lady of Shalott
"Indeed? Just now, Mr. Malinowski, you said quitedefinitely that she was the girl you were going to marry."
  "Oh that."
  "Yes – that. Was ittrue?"
  "I said it because – itsounded more respectable that way. You are so – prudish inthis country –”
  "That seems to me an unlikely explanation."
  "You do not understand anything at all. The motherand I – we are lovers – I did notwish to say to – I suggest instead that the daughter and I –we are engaged to be married. That sounds very English and proper."
  "It sounds to me even more far-fetched. You're rather badly in need of money, aren't you, Mr.Malinowski?"


Anonymous said...

The Broken Pitcher"

Anonymous said...

The Broken Pitcher"

Anonymous said...

"The Broken Pitcher"

Anonymous said...

"The Broken Pitcher"