Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Greek Beauty

A Greek Beauty
A Lily Pond
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
American Day Dream
Mr. Hoffman was a big solid-looking man. He gave theappearance of being carved out of wood – preferably teak.
  His face was so expressionless as to give rise tosurmise – could such a man be capable of thinking – of feeling emotion? It seemed impossible.
  His manner was highly correct.
  He rose, bowed, and held out a wedge-like hand.
  "Chief-Inspector Davy? It is some years since Ihad the pleasure – you may not even remember –”
  "Oh yes I do, Mr. Hoffman. The Aaronberg DiamondCase. you were a witness for the Crown – a most excellentwitness, let me say. The defence was quite unable to shake you."


Anonymous said...

A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

A Greek Beauty"

Anonymous said...

"A Greek Beauty"