Sunday, November 4, 2007

jesus christ on the cross

jesus christ on the cross
Red Hat Girl
Red Nude painting
The Broken Pitcher
Before unpacking it, he spoke into his comlink. "Echo Base, do you copy?" No response. "This comlink is useless!" The sky had darkened ominously and the winds blew violently, making evenbreathing close to impossible. Han fought to open the shelter container and stifflybegan to construct the one piece of Rebel equipment that might protect them both—ifonly for a short while longer. "If I don't get this shelter up fast," he grumbled to himself, "Jabba won't needthose bounty hunters."
"Come on, buddy," he appealed to Luke's inert figure, immediately forgetting hisown nearly frozen body, "you aren't dead yet. Give me a signal here." Han could detect no sign of life, and noticed that Luke's face, nearly covered
Han drew the reins in, bringing the Tauntaun to an abrupt halt on the plain.Solo could not be certain, but there seemed to be some sound other than the howlingof the winds that whipped past him. He strained to look in the direction of thesound.


Anonymous said...

jesus christ on the cross"

Anonymous said...

jesus christ on the cross"

Anonymous said...

jesus christ on the cross"

Anonymous said...

"jesus christ on the cross"