Tuesday, November 20, 2007

jesus christ on the cross

jesus christ on the cross
klimt painting the kiss
leonardo da vinci self portrait
Madonna Litta
"They certainly know what comfort is here,"Father agreed.
  "You look tired, Chief-Inspector," said Miss Marple unexpectedly.
  "I've had to getaround a bit. As a matter of fact I've just got back fromIreland.
  Indeed. From Ballygowlan?"
  "Now how the devil did you know about Ballygowlan?I'm sorry – I beg your pardon."
  Miss Marple smiled forgiveness.
  "I suppose Michael Gorman happened to tell you hecame from there – was that it?"
  "No, not exactly," saidMiss Marple.
  "Then how, if you'llexcuse me asking you, did you know?"
  "Oh dear," said MissMarple, "it's really veryembarrassing. It was just something I – happened to overhear."


Anonymous said...

jesus christ on the cross"

Anonymous said...

jesus christ on the cross"

Anonymous said...

"jesus christ on the cross"

Anonymous said...

"jesus christ on the cross"