Wednesday, May 21, 2008

David Hardy paintings

David Hardy paintings
Dirck Bouts paintings
Dante Gabriel Rossetti paintings
Daniel Ridgway Knight paintings
The earl's face showed profound ratification, for he was a man of merciful and generous impulses-a thing not very common with his class in that fierce age.
He said:
"These your grace's noble words have sealed its doom. History will remember it to the honor of your royal house."
The under-sheriff was about to remove his prisoner; Tom gave him a sign to wait; then he said:
"Good sir, I would look into this matter further. The man has said his deed was but lamely proved. Tell me what thou knowest."
"If the king's grace please, it did appear upon the trial, that this man entered into a house in the hamlet of Islington where one lay sick-three witnesses say it was at ten of the clock in the morning and two say it was some minutes later-the sick man being alone at the time, and sleeping-and presently the man came forth again, and went his way. The sick man died within the hour, being torn with spasm and retchings."
"Did any see the poison given? Was poison found?"
"Marry, no, my liege."
"Then how doth one know there was poison given at all?"
"Please your majesty, the doctors testified that none die with such symptoms but by poison."
Weighty evidence, this-in that simple age. Tom recognized its formidable nature, and said:
"The doctor knoweth his trade-belike they were right. The matter hath an ill look for this poor man."

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