Monday, December 31, 2007

mona lisa smile

mona lisa smile
thomas kinkade gallery
thomas kinkade painting
thomas kinkade picture
He drew his sleeve across his face, without any pretence of concealing why; and then cleared his voice. ¡¡¡¡'It warn't for long as I felt that; for she was found. I had on'y to think as she was found, and it was gone. I doen't know why I do so much as mention of it now, I'm sure. I didn't have it in my mind a minute ago, to say a word about myself; but it come up so nat'ral, that I yielded to it afore I was aweer.' ¡¡¡¡'You are a self-denying soul,' said my aunt, 'and will have your reward.' ¡¡¡¡Mr. Peggotty, with the shadows of the leaves playing athwart his face, made a surprised inclination of the head towards my aunt, as an acknowledgement of her good opinion; then took up the thread he had relinquished. ¡¡¡¡'When my Em'ly took flight,'
oil painting
he said, in stern wrath for the moment, 'from the house wheer she was made a prisoner by that theer spotted snake as Mas'r Davy see, - and his story's trew, and may GOD confound him! - she took flight in the night. It was a dark night, with a many stars a-shining. She was wild. She ran along the sea beach, believing the old boat was theer; and calling out to us to turn away our faces, for she was a-coming by. She heerd herself a-crying out, like as if it w

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mona lisa smile"